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Dear Dot ™

Dear Dot is here to answer all your sustainable living questions from her perch on the porch. Got a question for Dot? Send her a note for a chance to be featured in an upcoming post.

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Dear Dot: How Can I Smell Good Without Toxic Chemicals?

Dear Dot, I like to wear fragrance. Is there a company that will make me smell great but has healthy ingredients for both me and the planet? – Bobbi The Short Answer: Check out databases like Think Dirty or EWG’s Skin...

Dear Dot: Is There an Eco-Friendly Way to Whiten My Whites?

Dear Dot, To enhance whiteness, are you suggesting to add lemon juice, white vinegar, and baking soda with the laundry strips? How much? Thank you. –Kathy Dear Kathy, While Dot is happy to let pet fur and dirt congregate in...

Dear Dot: Is Organic Food Really Better?

Dear Dot, I’m a Harvard alum and a recent article in the Gazette indicated that organic food is no better than conventionally grown. What say you, Dot?  –David The Short Answer: There are many factors that determine if organic...

Dear Dot: Is It Okay if I Plant Seed Paper? 

Dear Dot, I recently received a card that’s printed on “seed” paper — that paper that has wildflower seeds embedded in it that we, presumably, should plant. But with all the talk about planting native species,...

Dear Dot: Is Pollution the Reason for a Beautiful Sunset?

Dear Dot, I saw the most amazing sunset last night. Someone told me the beautiful red color is because of pollution? Is there any truth to that? —Whitney The Short Answer: Those vibrant colors we see at...

Dear Dot: Where Should I Buy a House?

I’m a realtor curious about how climate change is going to impact where people will want to live. What are some climate change concerns people should be considering before committing to a next home/next location? –Karen Dear...

Dear Dot: How Can I Invest in Earth-Friendly Funds?

Dear Dot, Does Dot know anything about responsible investing for 401(k) plans? I was looking at mine last night and realized I have an aggressive portfolio and know nothing about the companies. —Ali Dear Ali, While Dot tends to...

Dear Dot: Is Fake Grass Better Than the Real Thing? 

Dear Dot, I’ve heard about artificial grass as a water-saving alternative to real grass, but if it's plastic, is the fake stuff really eco-friendly?  – Randi, San Diego The short answer: Artificial turf is not a good alternative,...

Dear Dot: Air Dry or Paper Towels?

Dear Dot, If I'm in a public bathroom and I have a choice between paper towels and an electric hand dryer, which should I choose? I imagine it depends a lot on whether those towels are...



Field Note: Find a Baby Animal? Watch and Wait!

With baby wildlife season underway, Project Wildlife is calling on the public to watch and wait before intervening, to ensure the animals really need to be brought in for rehabilitation.

Growing Like a Weed

Third-party certification encourages cannabis farmers in California and beyond to adopt regenerative agricultural practices, champion workers' rights, and support their communities.

Room for Change: The Workout

A few years ago, my daughter won the Falmouth Academy Science Fair for a project that measured the microplastics that athletic leggings leach after...

Zero-Waste Shopping in San Diego

Explore zero-waste options for groceries, clothing, home goods, and more, so every purchase echoes a commitment to a greener, cleaner future.

Charging Up a Brighter Future of Clean Energy

Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are vital for reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change. However, as critics like to point out,...