Discover Sustainable Living in San Diego

Welcome to Bluedot Living San Diego, your go-to source for climate news and solutions in America's Finest City. Meet your neighbors who are taking steps toward change, browse local in-season recipes, and find advice on ways to reduce your impact on Earth at home and in your neighborhood.

Discover Sustainable Living in San Diego

Welcome to Bluedot Living San Diego, your go-to source for climate news and solutions in America's Finest City. Meet your neighbors who are taking steps toward change, browse local in-season recipes, and find advice on ways to reduce your impact on Earth at home and in your neighborhood.


Home and Garden

Greener Gardens, Eco-Friendly Homes

Local San Diego

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Dear Dot

Dear Dot: How Can I Smell Good Without Toxic Chemicals?

Dear Dot, I like to wear fragrance. Is there a company that will make me smell great but has healthy ingredients for both me and...

Dear Dot: Is There an Eco-Friendly Way to Whiten My Whites?

Dear Dot, To enhance whiteness, are you suggesting to add lemon juice, white vinegar, and baking soda with the laundry strips? How much? Thank you. –Kathy Dear Kathy, While...


Clean, Green Recipes

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